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Brite-mat® mouse mat with tyre material
Contemporary carafe large
Engraved real wood paperweights
Freestanding acrylic award, bespoke shape with real wood base 75x150mm
Full colour real wood paperweights
Glu mulled wine set with glasses
Groovy - desktop wireless charger 10w
Growtree™ - pine tree set
Highball tumbler
Kings coronation stamped iron coin (35mm)
Mondal - globe glass trophy
Office essentials handy can kit
Optical crystal square paperweight
Paperweight cirlam
Paperweight cudor
Pocketmate back to work kit
Pocketmate new starter kit
Pocketmate rescue kit office
Real wood block award with acrylic front, basic standard shapes 110x200mm
Real wood block award, wood only, basic standard shapes 70x125mm
Screen spray and cloth in a tube (50ml)
Small round paperweight
Square crystal award with rounded corners
Stamped iron coin (35mm)