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Explore promotional company diaries

Learn how a promotional desk calendar will advertise your company every day of the year

Printed giveaways' appealing attributes are within their versatility and relevance; company merchandise such as branded diaries are the epitome of practicality and deliver an unrivalled solution for company promotional products. One of the most popular of all, promotional desk calendars, offer a unique and relatively low-cost solution to enable you to engage with your clients and prospects daily. All sectors, from university education, government, charity, retail and corporate, welcome the use of desk products such as custom branded diaries and desk calendars; in some cases, they are essential. From a marketing perspective, printed calendars offer an unmatched ROI due to the longevity of the products. Whether it's the desktop or out on the road, printed diaries branded with your logo and business details are a constant reminder of what you offer and a call to action whenever your printed diaries are on view!

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Our advice on picking a printed desk diary or a promotional calendar for your audience

Ask any promotional products supplier, and they will agree that there is an almost limitless amount of variety when it comes to printed giveaways like company diaries. Choosing the best fit and most relevant printed calendars for your client can seem overwhelming, but focusing on the primary activities and in which they will be applicable is the key to finding the best solution. Diaries and calendars are not just desk merchandise; they are also portable. If you are gifting travelling sales executives, you may want to opt for a more compact and lighter option, pocket size and easy to handle. Likewise, suppose your recipients are more desk-based and involved in the tech industry, where work activities are most prolific from a desk. In that case, a sizeable A4 desk diary or wall calendar may be more suitable. For any sector, desk-based or otherwise, seasonal gifts such as promotional chocolate advent calendars make fun and informal company promotional products. custom chocolate advents come in various sizes and styles to suit the wall and desk. Aside from promotional desk calendars for giveaways, branded dairies and calendars are also highly regarded retail items, offering an exceptional ROI and much higher perceived value, especially when debossed or foil-blocked.

Learn about your branding options for custom calendars

Like other promotional products and printed giveaways, custom calendars offer a range of ways to ensure your brand is clear and visible and to promote your corporate message to a broad audience. Screen and pad printing is ideal for most styles of dairies; it's cost-effective and looks great too! Foil blocking is a more traditional branding style, offering a premium finish and works particularly well on leather and textured PU covers. For a subtle but premium finish, debossing and embossing are also very favourable options and widely sought after. This method is usually chosen for corporate gifting and branded retail diaries. A full-colour digital print method is perfect if your artwork is complex and has many colours. Depending on the individual product and printer, you have options of standard coverage or even 100% full coverage.

How Positive Media Promotions are experts in company merchandise

At Positive Media Promotions, our dedicated team always offers the most on-trend and relevant product and clothing solutions to fit all budgets and purposes. Whatever your industry, affordability, event or deadline, speak to our team, who will guide you through the vast array of exciting branded items. What you see on our website only scratches the surface of what is available, so don't hesitate to get in touch to find out more. We look forward to hearing from you.

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