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Diary setren

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From £6.17
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Diary Setren Diary Setren
6.17 In Stock
A5 size diary in durable cardboard. With hard covers and elastic closure, available in a wide range of colours. Day page design with phrase of the day. In 8 languages: Spanish, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Galician, Basque and Catalan. Manufactured with elemental chlorine free (ECF) paper, which drastically reduces pollution in the paper pulp bleaching process, achieving an excellent quality in the resulting finish and, at the same time, guaranteeing the recycling process on multiple times. Daily Page.
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  • A5 size diary in durable cardboard. With hard covers and elastic closure, available in a wide range of colours. Day page design with phrase of the day. In 8 languages: Spanish, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Galician, Basque and Catalan. Manufactured with elemental chlorine free (ECF) paper, which drastically reduces pollution in the paper pulp bleaching process, achieving an excellent quality in the resulting finish and, at the same time, guaranteeing the recycling process on multiple times. Daily Page.

    SKU: tps-2615

  • Product Dimensions
    Product Weight: 640 g
    Product Width: 18 cm
    Product Length: 212 cm
    Product Height: 150 cm
    Packing Dimensions
    Box Weight: 14 kg
    Box Width: 38 cm
    Box Length: 31 cm
    Box Height: 27 cm

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Diary Setren european-solutions-1386 A5 size diary in durable cardboard. With hard covers and elastic closure, available in a wide range of colours. Day page design with phrase of the day. In 8 languages: Spanish, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Galician, Basque and Catalan. Manufactured with elemental chlorine free (ECF) paper, which drastically reduces pollution in the paper pulp bleaching process, achieving an excellent quality in the resulting finish and, at the same time, guaranteeing the recycling process on multiple times. Daily Page. tps-2615 2615 4.8535
Great Service and advice - by December 10, 2020
5/ 5
We have had a wonderful experience with PMP. Jeremy has been superb and really helpful too. A real pleasure to work with and hopefully we will working together much more in the future!.

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