Double sided Golf Pin Flag - Size 40 x 31 cm - 200g/m2 Polyester - To fit over a 15 mm diameter pole - Tube lock (slides over the existing flag pole) with full colour print to both sides (can be any CMYK colour flag), each one must be the same design unless you pay an additional cost. Not for permanent use
Double sided Golf Pin Flag - Size 40 x 31 cm - 200g/m2 Polyester - To fit over a 15 mm diameter pole - Tube lock (slides over the existing flag pole) with full colour print to both sides (can be any CMYK colour flag), each one must be the same design unless you pay an additional cost. Not for permanent use
SKU: tkg-pf1002
Quantity Price Breaks
Printed 1 color 1 position
Please note: These are guide prices and are subject to change without prior notice. All orders placed are subject to artwork review.
GOLF PIN FLAG WITH DOUBLE SIDED PRINTuniball-ltd-t-a-tkg-europe-1355Double sided Golf Pin Flag - Size 40 x 31 cm - 200g/m2 Polyester - To fit over a 15 mm diameter pole - Tube lock (slides over the existing flag pole) with full colour print to both sides (can be any CMYK colour flag), each one must be the same design unless you pay an additional cost. Not for permanent usetkg-pf1002pf10024.8535
Great Service and advice - by Paul P,
December 10, 2020
We have had a wonderful experience with PMP. Jeremy has been superb and really helpful too. A real pleasure to work with and hopefully we will working together much more in the future!.
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