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Palm ice scraper

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Palm Ice Scraper Palm Ice Scraper
0.79 In Stock

Say goodbye to struggling with frost and ice on your car windows with the Palm Ice Scraper. This innovative tool features an ergonomic design that fits perfectly in your hand, ensuring the best grip for easy and efficient frost removal.

The handy size of the Palm Ice Scraper makes it ideal for glove box storage, so you always have it on hand for those chilly Winter days. Made from 100% recycled plastic, this scraper is not only durable and practical but also environmentally friendly.

The large front branding area allows you to customise the Palm Ice Scraper with your company logo, making it a great promotional item for your business. With quick delivery times and a range of colour options available, this scraper is a versatile and effective way to enhance brand visibility during the colder months.

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  • Say goodbye to struggling with frost and ice on your car windows with the Palm Ice Scraper. This innovative tool features an ergonomic design that fits perfectly in your hand, ensuring the best grip for easy and efficient frost removal.

    The handy size of the Palm Ice Scraper makes it ideal for glove box storage, so you always have it on hand for those chilly Winter days. Made from 100% recycled plastic, this scraper is not only durable and practical but also environmentally friendly.

    The large front branding area allows you to customise the Palm Ice Scraper with your company logo, making it a great promotional item for your business. With quick delivery times and a range of colour options available, this scraper is a versatile and effective way to enhance brand visibility during the colder months.

    SKU: chx-em23-pm

  • Quantity Price Breaks 250 500 1000 2500 5000
    Recycled White - CMYK 1 side 1.46 1.18 1.05 0.97 0.87
    Recycled Coloured - CMYK+W 1 side 2.30 1.72 1.44 1.26 1.11
    Please note: These are guide prices and are subject to change without prior notice. All orders placed are subject to artwork review.

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Palm Ice Scraper chx-products-1084 Introducing the Palm Ice Scraper – a brand new ergonomic design that fits perfectly in your hand, ensuring the best grip for effortless frost and ice removal. The handy size is ideal for glove box storage, so always on hand for those Winter days. • Large front branding area • New comfortable design for optimal hand grip • New in-house glue-free assembly • Durable and practical • Made from 100% recycled plastic 100% recycled White plastic can be delivered in 5 days from proof approval* Recycled colours are available within 3 weeks* *Quantity limits apply chx-em23-pm chx-em23-pm 4.8535
Great Service and advice - by December 10, 2020
5/ 5
We have had a wonderful experience with PMP. Jeremy has been superb and really helpful too. A real pleasure to work with and hopefully we will working together much more in the future!.

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